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KIRK Sir John on (john) (5)
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KIRK, Sir John
QEEIE, Anthony Hamilton Millard Kirk-
SMITH, Sir George Adam
No Author available
Author: KIRK (Sir John)
:“ KIRK (Sir John). ç COUPLAIrD (Sir R.), K.C.M.G. Kirk on the Zambesi: a chapter of African. history. Oxford, 1928.
Card ID: 183
Author: QEEIE (Anthony Hamilton Millard Kirk-)
Lug QEEIE (Anthony Hamilton Millard Kirk-). See UJGAID (Frederick John Dealtry), iat Baron Lugard. Lugard and the an.lgaiition of Nigeria: a docwwntary record. Being a reprint of the report by Sir F.D.Luga’ii on the ana1garation of Northern and Southern Nigeria and administration, 1912-1919 (x1 zi68, 1920). Together vith supplementary unpuMished a1gsntion reports, and other relevant documents. Compiled and introduced by A.JL.M. Kirk—Greene. 8°. [London], 1968.
Card ID: 38
Author: SMITH (Sir George Adam)
PTE3 Buc SMITH (Sir George Adam). see BUCHAN (John), Baron TweedSirniir, G.C.M.G. and SMITH (Sir George Adamj. The Kirk in Scotland, 1560-1929. 8°. tLon&n, 19301.
Card ID: 467
Author: No Author available
PTE3 Th.e BUCRAN (John), Baron Tweedamuir, G.C.M.G. 8nd SMITH (Sir George Adam). The Kirk in Scot1ard., 1560-1929. pp. ix. + 21th. Plates. 80. [London, 1930].
Card ID: 226
OXDV Lug 1130.ABD (FrederIck John nealtry), 1st Baron Lugard. Izgard and the annJ.ganntion of Nigeria: a docunntarj record. ]ieir.g a reprint of the report by Sir F.D.Lugard on the an.1gairation of Northern and Southern Nigeria and administration, 1912—1919 (ama li.68, 1920). Together with suppleuentary unpublIshed air.aJ.gsntion reports, end other relevant documents. Compiled and Introduced by A.H.M. Kirk-Greene. pp. 28i. ?pa, chart and tables.’ 8°. (Londonl, 1968.
Card ID: 451