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KINGSLEY Charles a:to john|k:to (john) (7)
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MARRIOTT, Sir John Arthur Ransome
JLES, Alfred Henry
Author: KINGSLEY (Charles)
K552 KINGSLEY (Charles), Novelist. See MARRIOTT (Sir John. !-..R.) Charles. Kingsley, novelist: a lecture delivered at Chester on April 4, 1892... With a prefatory note by Judge Hughes. Oxford and London 1892.
Card ID: 117
Author: No Author available
i1S(.!, l’ib, , i’j KINGSLEY (Charles). See HARTLEY (Allan John). Literary aspects of Christian socialIsm in the work of F.D.Mauriee and Charles Kingsley. 1963.
Card ID: 115
Author: MARRIOTT (Sir John Arthur Ransome)
YEW K52a Mar MARRIOTT (Sir John Arthur Ransome). Charles Kingsley, novelist: a lecture delivered at Chester on April 4, 1892...With a prefatory note by His Honour Judge Hughes. pp. 37. Qxtord and London, 1892.
Card ID: 349
r t. MAURICE (John Frederick Denison), See HARTLEY (Allan John). Literary aspects of Christian socialism in the work of F.D.Maurice and Charles Kingsley. 1963.
Card ID: 503
-11cS.’S. P Lq HARTLEY (Allan John). Literary aspects of Christian socialism in the work o1 F.D.Maurice and Charles Kingsley. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1963.) 3.,8 leaves. 1+0. 1963.
Card ID: 391
BL01 (George Henry), Victorian wortiiiès: sixteen biographies, etc. pp. viii. + 376. Port,rait,s. • 8. condo 1920. CONTAINS: Thomas Carlyle. Sir Robert Peel. Sir Charle Napier. The farl of Sha±’tesbury. -Lord Lawrence. John Bright. Charles •Diokens. Lord Tennyson. Charles Kingsley. G. F. Watts. Bishop Patt,eson. Sir Robert Morior. Lord List1er. W1l1in Norris. J. R. Green. Ceoil Rhodes.
Card ID: 258
Author: JLES (Alfred Henry)
‘‘ JLES (Alfred Henry) The Poets and the poetry ot the century. Edited by A, H. Miles. 10 vols. 8°. J,ppdpn, [1891—97]. 1. George Crabbe to SamuelTaylor Coleridge. 2. Robert Southey to Percy Bysshe Shelley. 3. John Keats to Edward, Lord Lytton. 4. Frederick Tennysozz ft Arthur Hugh Clough. 5. Charles Kingsley to James Thomson. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 58