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KING Thomas a:to john|k:to (john) (24)



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    Author: KING (Thomas)


    Ls’rc KING (Thomas), Comedian. rLj Lovers’ quarrels; or, Iike master like man. An interlude in one act Altered from “The Mistake’ of Sir John Vanbrugh, by T.!Cing. See LONOON STAGE. The London stage, . Vol. 3. London, [1824—271.

    Card ID: 540

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    Author: WILLIAMS (Thomas)


    UDQk WIL Mar WILLIAMS (Thomas), of Uanidsn. See HARRIS (John Raymond). The Copper king: a biography of Thomas WUliains of L1andan. 8. Liverpool, 19614.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: E (John), Minister of Ham See BEGON (Thomas)


    P57 L3 AThE (John), Minister of Ham See BEGON (Thomas). [Two or More Works.] The Catecbism of Thomas Becon, S.T.P., chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer, prebendary of Canterbury, &c., with other pieces written by him in the reig of King Edward the Sixth. Edited for the Parker Society by J.Ayre. Cambridge, 1844.

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: BETTERPON (Thomas)


    ThEW 969 BETTERPON (Thomas), See SHAKESPEARE (William). [King Henry IV. - Part II.] The Sequel of Henry IV (with the humours of Sir John Faistaffe and Justice Shaflow...Alter’d frcn Shakespear) by Thomas Betterton. 1721. A facsimile...from the copy in the Birmingham Shakespeare Library. London;, 1969.

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: E (Thomas)


    DEPO3ITORT iE (Thomas), of’ Bristol. Hydrophobia: L,he existence of specific virus secreted by a do or other mad animal, capable of producing hydrophooia in wan, ceniec...To which is prerixed a letter to a person cal1in himself John King, or Lokimasteaj. pp. xx. 47. 80. Bris1o1, 1(ij.

    Card ID: 272

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    Author: HUNT (Thomas)


    STERIJNG LIBRARy REFERcE ONLY HUNT (Thomas), Lawyer. DRYDEN (John), [Dramatic Works.— Single Works.] The Duke of Guise, [Continued.] —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Noiy-Leue, and ‘he nglish League and Covenant, turn’d into a seditious li5ell against the King and his Royal Hi’hness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors tT.Shadwell?] of the Reflections upon the pretended parallc in the play called e Duke of Guise. London, 1683.

    Card ID: 566

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    Author: SHADWELL (Thomas)


    STEWIIG LTDTA?L SQ-cI REFRECE ONLY SHADWELL (Thomas), Poet Laureate. See DRYDEN (John). [Dramatic Works.- Sin.1e Works.] The Duke of Guise, [Continued.) —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Holy—League, and the English League and Covenant, turn’d into’a seditious libell against the King and his Royal Highness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors [T.Shadweil?] of the Reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called The Duke of Guise. London, 1683.

    Card ID: 366

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    Author: IEFF (William Thomas)


    Malcolm Morley /j Collection MoI’xaIEFF (William Thomas), D$ei.d. [i,e.William Thomas THOMAS.) Rochester; or, King Charles the Second’s merry days: a comedy in two acts. [1884..] DICKS (John). Dicks’ StarLard Plays, 528.

    Card ID: 561

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    Author: DANGERFIELD (Thomas)


    Qj’it DANGERFIELD (Thomas). The Case of Tho.Dangerfield, with some remarkable passages that happened at the tryals of Elizabeth Cellier the Popish midwife, and the Earl of Castlemain, at the Kings—Bench—Ear at Westminster, before Sir WiU.Scroggs Kt...June, i68o. Together with 1. Divers in.formations never yet publisht. 2. John Gadbury his testimony, with all its evasions. 3. Some points of law insisted upon by the King & prisoners counsel, and the Chief Justice his opinion given therein. 4. Th,e manner and occasion of Dangerfield’s commitment to prison, and also of his being discharged [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 491

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    Author: BUCKSTONB (John Baldwin)


    Malcobn Morley Collection 2 1 7 BUCKSTONB (John Baldwin). ‘ The King of the alps a romantic drama. In three acts. [1852). LACY (Thomas Hailes). Lacy’s (FrenCh’s) acting edition, 87.

    Card ID: 415

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    Author: RUSHWORTH (John)


    RUSHWORTH (John)1 Historical collections of private passages of State, weighty matters in law, remarkable prooeed.ings in five Parliaments, beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618... (to the death of King Charles the First, 1648) By .J. Rushworth. (LVo1. B. J The Trya2. of Thomas, Earl of Strafford...upon an impeachment of high treason by the Commons then assembled in Parljament...To whioh is added a short account of some other matters of fact transactel in both houses of Parliament, precedent, concomitant and subsequent to the said. tryal, with some special arguments in law relating to a bill of J. Rushworth, ia.) S vole. Portraits. [G.G.j CSee neztoarcI.]

    Card ID: 581

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    Author: DRYDEN (John)


    STERLING LTBRAY cs1 Lc’ REFERENCE O?’IIX DRYDEN (John). [Dramatic Works.— Single Works.) The Duke of Guise, c. [Continued.] —The Vindication; or, the Parallel of the French Holy-League, and the English League and Covenant, turn’d into a seditious libell against the King and his Royal Highness, by Thomas Hunt and the authors [T.Shadwell?) of the Reflections upon the pretended parallel in the play called The Duke ot Guise. pp. (2) + 60. 4°. London, 1683. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 162