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KING John was (john) (610)



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    Author: KING (John)


    LL L ‘j KING (John), Bish_of London. Lfctures [sic] upon tonas, delivered at Yorke, iithe yeare of our Lord 1594... Newly corrected and amended. (A sermon preached at the funerals of Iohn, late Arch—bishop of Yorke, 1594. A sermon preached in Yorke 1595.) pp. (10) + 7o6. £L.-L.L.i 4°. RfurnphrJ L[ownesh to be sold Arthur Joinson: London, 1611.

    Card ID: 438

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    Author: KING (John Edward)


    I, i /‘1 j - : j KING (John Edward) . BEDE, th Venerable., Saint. [Smaller Collections of Works.—Latin and glish. Baedae opera historica. With an En1idh translation by 3.E. King. London and New York, 1930.

    Card ID: 443

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    Author: KING (John Edward)


    k KING (John Edward) and. COOKSON (chrietoher), Ycurg er. The Principles of sound. and inflexion as illustrated in the Greek and Latin languages. pp. xvi. + L535. 8°. Oxford, 1888.

    Card ID: 445

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    Author: KING (John Glen)


    KING (John Glen). The Rites and. ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia, containing an account, of its doctrine, worship and d.isoipline. pp. xix. + (5) + 477 + (6). Plates. IL. I.) 4. London, 1772

    Card ID: 446

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    Author: KING (John James Duncan)


    DEPOSi7oy KING (John James Duncan). Dental disease in the Island of Lewis, etc. ndon, 1940. ENGLAND. Departrnents of State and Official Bodies. Privy Council. Medical Research Council. - Special report series, 241. -

    Card ID: 449

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    Author: PAIRBANK (John King)


    PAIRBANK (John King). The Benefit to Christian oivilization from a oomplet,e understanding, arid a friend:Ly relo.tionship between the United States of America and the British Empire. See NEW YORK. Brooks-Brye Poundation. Brooks-Bryce Anglo—American prize essays, 1925. C1926.J

    Card ID: 337

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    Author: KING (John James Duncan)


    DEPOSITOR’( KING (John James Duncan). The Effect of sugar supplements on dental caries in children. IBY] J.D.King, M.Mellanby, FI.H.Stones and fi.N.Green. London, 1955. EIGLAND. Departments of State and. Official Bodies. Privy Council. Medical Research Càuncjl. Special report series, 288.

    Card ID: 450

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    Author: KING (Richard John)


    KL Kin KING (Richard John). to lectures read before the Essar Society of Exeter College, Oord. [y R.J.King.] (On the supernatural beings of the Middle Ages [and) On the origin of the ronce literature of the XII. and. XIII. centuries, chiefly with a. reference to its mythology.) pp.v. + 100. illustrations. 8°. [Oxford, privately printed], 1840. One of 33 copies printed. With the author’s signature at the end. of the dedication.

    Card ID: 524

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    Author: HINES (Löthrd John) and KING (Fiank)


    [i-k] HINES (Löthrd John) and KING (Fiank). Tusitala, the teller of tales 1R.L.Stevenson. A play in four acts. pp. (10) + 98. 0 8. Londou, 1931+.

    Card ID: 393

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    Author: KING (William)


    ‘ I KING (William), LL.D., Student.of Christ Chirch, - PcLor4. A Misceilay of-the-wits: select pieces by William King, DC.L., John Arbuthnot., M.D., and other hánds. With an introductioñ by K.N.Colvile. (The Scholt Library, 2.) pp. xccv. + 283 8°.. London, 1920.

    Card ID: 565

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    Author: KING (Thomas)


    Ls’rc KING (Thomas), Comedian. rLj Lovers’ quarrels; or, Iike master like man. An interlude in one act Altered from “The Mistake’ of Sir John Vanbrugh, by T.!Cing. See LONOON STAGE. The London stage, . Vol. 3. London, [1824—271.

    Card ID: 540

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    Author: TEETERS (Negley King) and REINEWNN (John Otto)


    oJ Tee TEETERS (Negley King) and REINEWNN (John Otto). The Challenge o delinquency: causation, treatnent and prevention of juvenile delinquency. (Sixth printing.) pp. xi, 819. Bibi. and il].us. Englewood CUffs; 1955.

    Card ID: 409