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KING Ernest Joseph will (ernest) (2)
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KING, Ernest Joseph
RETAN, Joseph Ernest
Author: KING (Ernest Joseph)
KING (Ernest Joseph). A Report to the Secretary Of,the United States Navy, by Admiral E.J. King, Commander-in- Chief, U.S. Fleet and Chief of Naval operations, etc. London, l9J. See TflhITFD STATES OF AT.LERIGA. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Navy Department.
Card ID: 357
Author: RETAN (Joseph Ernest)
RETAN (Joseph Ernest). flistory of the people of Israel, etc. tTranslated by C • B , Pitian and V, Bingham.1 3 vols. EL. 1.1 8. icndon, 1888—91. 1. Till the tine of King David. 2. From t4ie reign of David up to the capture of Samaria. 3. Frcnn the tfne of Hezeidah1 till the return from Babylon,
Card ID: 209