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KIE Douglas a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (6)
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KIE, Douglas
Author: KIE (Douglas)
-1 McKIE (Douglas). La Chimie au XVIIIe siècle avant Lavoiier... Confrence faite u Paluis de la Dcouverte le 2 novembre 1957. (Les Conf4ences du Palais do la D4couerte. Srie D, 54.) pp. 17. Digras. 8°. CParis, 1958).
Card ID: 317
MoKIE (Douglas). The ‘Observations” of the Abbe François Rozier, 1734—93. (From Annals of Science, Vol.13, No.2, June, 1957.) Part 1. Plate and facsimile titleoages. 8°. [London, 1957). Cata1ouec1 from the caption.
Card ID: 319
ir(ic I) hicKIE (Douglas). Science an history...An nauSura1 lecture delivered at University College London, 22 !Lay 1958. pp. 17. 8°. London, 1958.
Card ID: 320
14k (P McKIE (Douglas). Science in Prance and Britain: a retrospect. (From Science Progress, No. 168, October, 1954.) pp. 569—586. Plate. 8°. [London, 1954]. Catalqgu.ed from te çtion.
Card ID: 321
pCSATOt ‘V MoKIE (Douglas). See ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Electricity Council. Education and TraIning Department. The history and philosophy o science & technology: eight locture. [By Sir H. Self, H.Dingle,D.McKie and P.Dunsheath, etc.] London, 1958.
Card ID: 324
CIcKIE (Douglas) and IEATflCOTE (Niels Hugh de Vaudrey). The Discovery of specific an Istent heats ...With a foreword by E.N. Ja C. Andrade. pp. 155. ?ortraitsL diaRrams and tables. 8. Iioriclon, 1935.
Card ID: 326