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KERTOT John a:c “|k:c(c) (1)



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    Author: KERTOT (John)


    p% PI!KERTOT (John). c Ancient Scotish poems never before in print, but now published from the MS. collect.ons of Sir Richard Maitland...Couiprising pieces written from about lLi.20 till 1586. [Edited by J. Pinkerton.) With...notes and a glossary. Prefixed are an essay on the origin of Scotish poetry, a list of all the Scotish poets...and an appendix is added containing.., an account of the contents of the MaitJ.and and Bannatyne SS. 2 vols. Facsimile. 8°. London, 178G. The pagination is continuous throughout the two volumes.

    Card ID: 320