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KERBY William Moseley a:s william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: KERBY (William Moseley)


    : - KERBY (William Moseley) The Li,fe and 1iterry activities of Baculard d’Arnaud, with special reference to his novels. [With a bibliography. Typev;ritten thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the Uniyersity of London in 1921.] (1) + viii. + 318+ (iii) leaves. 4 1921.

    Card ID: 425

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    Author: KERBY (William Moseley)


    L9 KERBY (William Moseley). Molire and the Restoration comedy in England. [with a bibliography. Subsidiary paper to a thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1921.] pp. vii. + 121. 0 S . 1921.

    Card ID: 427