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KENT John Henry Somerset a:an john henry|k:be (john) (3)
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KENT, John Henry Somerset
KE, John Henry Somerset snd tJRPAY, obert Patrick Putbven
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Author: KENT (John Henry Somerset)
KENT (John Henry Somerset). Elizabeth Fry. [With bibliographical references.J pp. 144. Portraits, plates, illustrations and facsimile. SO. London, 1962.
Card ID: 114
Author: KE (John Henry Somerset) snd tJRPAY (1obert Patrick Putbven)
Pou ICen KE (John Henry Somerset) snd tJRPAY (1obert Patrick Putbven). Intercoml2iunion and church membership. [Papers given at the 10th Downside Symposium, held in association with the Department oi’ Theolor and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, at the University of Bristol, April 1972. 1 Edited by John Kent and Robert itiirrey. (Downside Symposia, 10.) pp. 306. Denvifl, n.j. and London, 1973.
Card ID: 116
Author: No Author available
PoU Ken flISTOL. University of Bristol. Department of Theo1o and Bellgious Studies. See KENr (John Henry Somerset) and 4UBAY (Fobert PatricIa Ruthven. Intercomrnunion and church membership, [Papers given at the 10th Downside Symposium, held in association with the Department of Theolo’ and Re1iioua Studies, University of Bristol, at the University of Bristol, April 1972. 1 Edited by John Kent and Robert &rray. Denviile, N.J. and London, 1973.
Card ID: 91