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KENNET White a:c george|k:george (george) (3)
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Author: KENNET (White)
KENNET (White), Bishop oi’ Peterborough. [Biblio— theca Aniericanm Primordia.] The Primordia of Bishop White Kennett, the first English bibliograj,hy on America. [A facsimile reproduction.] Introductory study [with a list of the works in Kennet’s own 1ibraryaiid a bthliography) by F.R.Goff. pp. xliv. * lii. + xvi. + 3—275 + (225). Portrait. 40 Washington, D.C., 1959.
Card ID: 452
ovt KENNET (White), Bishop of Peterborough. The Duties of rejoycing in a day of prosperity, recommended in a sermon preach’d before the Queen, at her. Royal Chape1 in Windsor, on Sunday, June 23, 1706. pp. i6. 8°. London, £ 1706]. Bound in a voluiue lettered: Sermons. Vol. 2.
Card ID: 453
9t “81 ? c) KENNET (White), Bishop of Peterborou, 7 A Letter [by W.K. i.e. White Kennet, Bishop of Peterborough] to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, concerning one of his predecessors, Bishçp Merks, on occasion of a new volume Cby George HarbinJ for the Pretender, intituled, The hereditary right of the Crown of England asserted. The fourth edition. London, 1717. See K, W.
Card ID: 454