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KELLER, Albert Galloway
Author: KELLER (Albert Galloway)
JDPOToRY - KELLER (Albert Galloway). Oolonization: a study of the fouridin of new sooie ties. [With a bib1iograp’.] pp. xii. 631. Maps. 80 Boston, f1908.J
Card ID: 12
DEPOSITORY’ KELLER (Albert Galloway). Net impressions. pp. (10) + 349. 80. New Haven and London, 1942.
Card ID: 14
-z “-p KELLER (Albert Galloway). [AppendixJ Studies in the science of society. Presented to Albert Galloway Keller in celebration of his completion of thirty years as Professor of the Scenee of Society-in Yale University. Bv various authors.] Edited [with.a prefacj, by G.P.(urdoch4 p. xxii. + 555. Portrit, diagrams, maps. arjd 8°. New Haven and LondQn, 1957.
Card ID: 17
• •1’ DEPO5rrOR SUMNER Wi11iam Graham) and KELLER (Albert Galloway). The S1ence of society. [With a bibliography.) .4 vols. 8°. jçyIia!y, [Conn.] hand Lpon, 1942.
Card ID: 125