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KELEY CALIForNIA keley (california) (7)



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    J1 BEflKELEY (California). University of California. University of California publications in education. -Vol. 3. No. 4. CHAMBERLAIN (Arthur Henry). The Growth of responsibility and enlargement of power of the city school superintendent. [With a bibliography.) pp. 283—441. Chart3 and tables. 80. Berkeley, 1913. Catalgued from the wrapjer.

    Card ID: 242

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    1DEPOSfl0RY BEiKELEY (California). Uiversitof California. Universiy. of California.pu.blications in international relations. Vol.1+. CATTELL (David Tredwell). Communism and the Spanish Civil War. Lwith a bibliography.j pp. xii. + 290. 0 8. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1955.

    Card ID: 360

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    Author: KELEY (CALIForNIA)


    DEPOSITORY BEiKELEY (CALIForNIA). Universjy Qf Clifornia. University of California publications in international relations. Vol. 3. No. 3. GYORGY (Andrew). Geopolitics: the new erman science. Lwith a bibiiography.j pp. vi. + (4) ÷ 141-304. 0 8 . erieiev and 1944.

    Card ID: 359

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    Author: KELEY (CALIFolIA)


    : EiKELEY (CALIFolIA). University of California. University of California publications in psychology. Vol. 6. No. 12. ‘iuo (zing Yang). Forced movement or insight? Lxperiments with rats.) pp. (2) + 169—18?. Diagrams and tables. 0 8 . Berkeley, 1937.

    Card ID: 444

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    Author: COOK (Sherburne Friend)


    - COOK (Sherburne Friend). The Mechanism and extent of dietary adaptation among certain groups of California and Nevada Indians. keley and Los An&eies, 1941. See BERKELEY (CALTF0nNIA). University of California. Ibero—Imericana. No. 16.

    Card ID: 211

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    Author: AKER (Wayne)


    SHUL4AKER (Wayne) English autobiography; its emergence, materials and form. [with a bibliography.] (Universit of California PublioatiorLs. English Studies, 8J pp. ix. + 262. - 80 keley and Los Angeles, 195+.

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: WOLFF (Christian von)


    ? £e1-i WOLFF (Christian von), Baron. See BE?KELEY (cALIF0maA). Universjty of Call-. fornia. University of California publications in modern philology. Vol.36, No.5. BROWN (F. Andrew). On education: J.ohn Locke, Christian Wolff, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1952.

    Card ID: 261