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KEESING Felix Maxwell (4)
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KEESING, Felix Maxwell
Author: KEESING (Felix Maxwell)
KEESING (Felix Maxwell). The Chatiging Maori, . [With a bibliography.] (Memoirs of the Board of Maorj. Ethnological Research, 1+.) pp. xvi. + 19g. Ulustration and tables. 8°.. New Plymouth. LZ., 1928.
Card ID: 178
KEESING (Felix Maxwell). Education in Pacific countries: interpreting a seminar—conference of educators and social scientists conducted by the University of Hawaii and Yale University, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1936. [With a bibliography.J pp. viii. + 226. 8°. London, 1938. r
Card ID: 179
knit KEESING (Felix Maxwell). The Ethnobistory of northern Luzon. tWith a bibliography.) (Stanford AnthrpIQlpic1 Series, 4.) pp. vi. + 362. 4s and tables. 8°. Stanfprd. 1962.
Card ID: 180
KEESING (Felix Maxwell). The South Seas in the modern world. .Wjth a foreword byJ. 5. Condliffe [and a bibliographyJ. (Instite of Pacjic Relations. International Research Series.) pp. xv. + 391. Plates and tabls. 0 8 . gndon, 1942.
Card ID: 183