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KEEFFE John on (john) (9)
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Author: KEEFFE (John)
o ‘KEEFFE (John). Recollections of the life of John O’Keeffe, written by himself. 2 vols. Portrait. 8°. London, 1826. Malcolm Morley 574 [Another copy.) CoIltion Imperfect; wanting the portrait.
Card ID: 354
‘IL47 Ptit÷ 0 ? KEEFFE (John) ‘ The Castle of Aridalusia: a comic opera, [By J.O’Keefe.] - [Dubu], 1788. See ANDALUSIA, Castle of. -
Card ID: 345
MalcOIfll Morley CollectiOfl o ‘KEEFFE (John). Wild oats; or, the Stroiling gentleniem a comecr in five acts. [1879?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standaxd P1&ya, 306.
Card ID: 360
038G O’KEEFFE (John). The World In a village: a eoux?dy in five acts [and in prose). As perfornd with irniversal applause at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. pp. 75. london, [1793].
Card ID: 361
j!O li,&j I I O’KEEFFE (John). The Castle of Andalusia: a comic opera, in three performed at the Theatre Eora1, Covent Garden...With remarks by Mrs. inchbald. pp. 70. Frontispi. 12°. London, [18081. Bound. in a volume lettered: Inchbald!s British Theatre. Vol. IX.
Card ID: 344
o ‘KEEFFE (John). Fontainbleau: a coniic opera, in three acts... as performed at the Theatre oya1, Covent Garden...With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. pp. 75. Frontispiece. 12g. tondon, [1808]. Bound in a volume lettered: Inch.bald’s British Theatre. _Vo1 IX.
Card ID: 348
7)0 0’ KEEFFE (John). Wild oats; or, the Strolling gentlemen: a comedy, in five acto...With remarks by Mrs ILChbald. pp. 85. Prontisiece. 12°. London, (1808]. Boui.d in a volume lettered: Irichbald’s British Theatre. Vol. 1.
Card ID: 358
Author: No Author available
Y81-. BEBEY (william). !2. o’KEEFFE (John). Wild. oats; or, the Strolling gentlemen: a comedy... With prefatory renarks.. .and stage directions, as it is performed at the Theatres Royal, by W .Oxberry. 12°. London, 1820.
Card ID: 57
-7qc). ‘2• O’KEñE (John). fdCCg A Short accomt of the new pantomime called Otai; or, A Trip round the world. Performed at the Theatre Ioya1 in Covent Garden with the recitatives, air8, duetts, trios and chorusses, and a description of the procession...The words written by Mr. O’Keeffe and the music composed by Mr. Shields. Second edition. [Libretto.i pp.2i. London, 1785. The composer’s name was Shield and not Shields as on the title—pate.
Card ID: 355