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KEATS John a:john john|k:to (john) (53)



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    Author: KEATS (John)


    : KEATS (John)[orT The Complete vork3 oV Johr. Keats. diEed by ornian 5 vole. 13°. Glasgow, 1. Poems published n 1617. Endymior. 2. Larnia. sabe11a, &c. ostnurnous poems to i8l. 3. Posthuiou poems, 1tl9—182O. ssays rote3. 14.. . Letters, l6lL to Jaruary 1819. 5. Letters, D619 an 1S20.

    Card ID: 470

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    STERLING LIBRARY — REFERENCE ONLY KEATS (John). [PoetIcal iiorks.] The Poetical works of John Keats. (Smith’s ndrd Library.) pp.iv. + 73. 0 8 . London, 1840. Cat1ud ro te_wrer.j -Ft..English collected edition, Th iue has a hal title, but no titlepage. c r ‘ -1L.i.’.4_.L.. ..2.

    Card ID: 472

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    (‘( tc KEATS (John). [Letters.) .i.. Letters of John Keats to Fanr.y Brawne written in the sears MDCCCXIX and t.IDCCCXX and now given from the ‘ original nanuscripts with introduction and notes by H. B. Forman. pp. lxvii. + 128. Portrait, plate and facsimile. 8. New york, 1878.

    Card ID: 484

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    ‘>44 KEATS (John). [Letters. — Appendix.3 See JUNBLUT (Gertrud). Studjen zurn literarischen eh.nrakter des Briefes der englischen Hohromantik: Byron, Shelley und Keats. MarburR, 1963.

    Card ID: 487

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    Yti K25P 970 KEATS (John). [Single Jorks. - Lantia, Isabella, etc.] Larnia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes, and other poem5. 1820. [Facsimile of a copy in the Bodleian Library.] pp. 199. Sco1ir Press: l1enaton, 1970.

    Card ID: 495

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    STERLING L1SKA 3 REFRENC ONLY KEATS (John). [Sin1e Poeas, — ndynion.J Endyrnion: a poetic ronirice. pp ix. + 207. 8°. London, ii8. First edition, second state. [All and fAa] are crricels, ith the jrinters imt.,rint on v1 rediig: ‘T.N1l1er Printer, Noble Street,_CIas_jd&1, and 5 lines of errata on 6rf. 1’ (‘ r • ii. .. ,.. •

    Card ID: 499

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    f;i< KEATS (John). [single Poems. — Endyinion.) Endymion: a poetic romance...Type-facsimile of the first edition, with introduction arid notes by H.C.Notcutt. pp.lxi. + 242. 8°. London, 1927.

    Card ID: 500

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    1(1Cc- ‘Jit: KEATS (John)a[single Poems.-ødeon a Grecian Urn.-Apnendix.) See VIEBROCK (Helmut). Die griechisehe Urne und die ang1schsischen Kritiker. Fleidelberft, 1957.

    Card ID: 506

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    (ci’ f - KEATS (John). [Se1ectins.] The OJes of Keats. ith notes and analyses and a menioir by A.C Downer. Witk: a bibliography. J pp. vi. + 103. Portraits and 1ates. - 8°. Oxford, 197.

    Card ID: 507

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    - (Xii) c [(John). [Selections.] - - The Sonnets of John Keats. pp. (2) + 54 + (2). 8°. [ privately printed, c. 1900]

    Card ID: 508

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    KEATS (John). Iseiections.1 :. TheJdes of John Keats. Edited byA.R.Weekes. (_3injr sitv Tutoriai Ser&e) p0. 104. : -. 8°. London, [1911]. p

    Card ID: 510

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    Author: KEATS (John)


    C Ln REFERENCE ONLY — KEATS (John). [e1ections.] KeTLtS. [poenis. (s&1ecte, arran’d and printei by T.J.Cobten—nerson. )pp. 203. 4°. [oves Press: ernt), 9I4. diticr. J rite’i to 212 copic. One oi 200 coies or. .aper. II...

    Card ID: 511