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KEATS John a:an william|k:it (william) (6)
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HEBEL, Jobn William
GITTINGS, Robert William Victor
No Author available
Author: KEATS (John)
K25a Cit KEATS (John). tAppendixi See GITTINGS (Robert ‘William Victor). The keats inheritance: [the estate of the poet’s maternal grandfather, John Jennings.] 8. London, 1964.
Card ID: 545
Author: HEBEL (Jobn William)
HEBEL (Jobn William). BALDWIN (DL,) A Oonoordanoe to the poems of John Keats. Compiled and edited by D.L.Be3win.., J.W.Hebel o. Washinton, 1917.
Card ID: 585
Author: GITTINGS (Robert William Victor)
f YN K25Y 970 GITTINGS (Robert William Victor). See KEATS (John). e1ections.] The Odes of Keats and their earliest. known. manucripts, introduced with notes by R.Gittings. London, 1970.
Card ID: 499
Author: No Author available
77a (Ulrich). Der Augemblick als dichtert cthe Form In trriic von William Wordswort’i und John Keats. (Fracfurber Beitre zur &igiistik und Arnerikanistik, 4.) vp. 18 . Bi11 d Honburg, 1970.
Card ID: 191
FRANKFUR1’ER BEIThAE ZUP ANGLISTIK tJID AI4ERIKANISTIK. Frankfurter Beiträge zur Anglimtik und Arnerikanistik. [Continued.] 4. KELLER (Ulrich). Der Augenblick als dichterische Form in der Lyrik von William Wordsworth und John Keats. 1970. 5. D1EYSSE (Ursula). Realität als Aufabe: eine Unter- Y suchung Uber Aufbaugesetze und Gehalte des Roman- works von Samuel Beckett. 1970. [For later volumes in this series:] See NEUE BEITRAFGE ZtJR A1GLISTIK TJND AtERIKANISITK.
Card ID: 117
ETRLii4G L.AR’( I REFEFENCE ONLY SHELLEY (Percy Byashe). [Adona,is.] Adonais: an elegy on the death of John Keats, author of Endymion, Jtyperion, etc. pp. 25. 40, Pisa [printed], 1821. In the original paper wrappers as issue4. William Harrison Ainsworth’s copy, withhis iignature on the front wrappi and the front fly—leaf, the l&tter dated 1823. L.C.1 I. 770.
Card ID: 98