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KEAN Charles John a:are john|k:to (john) (6)
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KEAN, Charles John
HARDWICK, John Michael Dririkrow
No Author available
Author: KEAN (Charles John)
KEAN (Charles John); Letters of r. and Mrs. Chr1es Kean relating to their Arneri tours. {Editej by W.G.B. Carson. SJnt Louis, 1945. SAINT LCUI$ (JISCUriI). Washington Univerit Wshingtcn University studies. New Series. Language and literature, 15.
Card ID: 363
Author: HARDWICK (John Michael Dririkrow)
HARDWICK (John Michael Dririkrow). See KEAN (Charles J.) Emigrant in màtley: the journey of Charles and Ellen Kean in quest of a theatrical fortune in Australia and America, as told in their hitherto unpublished letters. Edited by J.M.D.Hardwick, L’n, 195)+.
Card ID: 501
Author: No Author available
• - (XLL. E COLE (John William). The Life and theatrical times of Charles r- Kean; in].uding a summary of the English stage for the last fifty years...Second edition. 2 vols in 1. Portrait. [G.G.] 0 8 . London, 1859. The portrait is dated 1860. Malcolm Morley , inotber Copy. Collection 0
Card ID: 262
.:..:. --. ‘.4 .. - i-’’,’H’ P• j KEJ4N (Charles John). . See SHAKESPEARE (w.) [Hamlet.] Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Arranged for representation at the Royal Princess’s Theatre, with... notes, by C. Kean,s. Londor, 1859.
Card ID: 360
YHFE çwiJ.iiam). [King John.) William Charles Macready’s King John: a facsimile promp—book. Edited by C.H. shattuck. LA facsimiie or a copy of Macready’s prompt-book of 1842k,, made by George 1!alis, prompter at the Theatre Royal, Drury i,ane, for Kean’s ew York production in 1846.i pp. (8) + 75 + (108). iljustretions and Dians. ob.I.. £01. Urb, 19b2.
Card ID: 174
KEMq (Charles John). Emigrant in motley: the journey of Charles and Ellen Kean in quest of a theatrical. fortune in Australia and Anerica, ath told in their hitherto unpublished letters. Edited by J.M.D.Hardwick. With a foreword by A. Quayle. pp. xx. -i 260. Portrfl, aasaL.i&Au!fls and iiiustraAons. 80. &2!a2u1 195i.-/ Malcolm Morley [Jnother copy.] Collection 515’
Card ID: 358