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KATZ Peter a:s peter|k:is (peter) (5)
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KATZ, Peter
KATZ, Wia Armatrong and LtATIX, Peter
KATZ, William Armstrong and GELLATLY, Peter
THORPE, Louis Peter and KATZ, Barney
Author: KATZ (Peter)
F KATZ (Peter). Nathan Sóderblorn: a prophet of Christien unity...With selections frozi the meoria1 writings of Bishop !3erggrav, Bishop Brilioth, Bishop Andrae and others, and an introduction bythc Bishop of Chichester. {‘Iih a bibliography.] (todern Christian Revoiutionara Series.) pp. 95. 8°. jondon, [1949].
Card ID: 23
KATZ (Peter). - Philo’s Bible: the aberrant text of Elbie quotations in sonic PhiJonic rrltings nd its place in the textual history of the Greek Bible. (The !Caye Prize Essay for 1947.) pp. xii. + 160. 8°cbfld.g, 190.
Card ID: 24
Author: KATZ (Wi111a Armatrong) and LtATIX (Peter)
Periodicaj5 Roon Staff De8k Reference only G!LLATLY (Peterj KATZ (Wi111a Armatrong) and LtATIX (Peter). Guide to mine and serial a6enta. Negr York and Irndon, 1975.
Card ID: 354
Author: KATZ (William Armstrong) and GELLATLY (Peter)
Pèxiodicals Room Staff Desk Refeience only KATZ (William Armstrong) and GELLATLY (Peter). Guide to ngazine and serial agents. New York and London, 1975.
Card ID: 35
Author: THORPE (Louis Peter) and KATZ (Barney)
THORPE (Louis Peter) and KATZ (Barney). The Psycboloy of abnormal behavior: a dynamic approach. Second edition by B.Katz and !.T. Lewis. [With bibliographies.] pp. xii. + 677. Illustrations, diagrams, charts and tables. • New York, 1961.
Card ID: 166