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KARIG dalter a:an walter|k:an (walter) (1)
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KARIG, dalter
Author: KARIG (dalter)
•MDQN Kar KARIG (dalter). Battle report...Prepared from official sources by Walter Karig and Welbourn Kelley [and others]. Vola. 1—5. New York and Toronto, 1944-49. Imperfect; wanting vol. 6. Wanting some illustrations. 1. Pearl Harbour to Coral Sea...3y Walter Karig and Welbourn Kelley. 194. 2. The Atlantic war...By Walter Karig with Earl Burton and Stephen L. Freeland. 1946. 3. Pacific war: middle phase... By Walter Karig and Eric Purdon. 1947. :s usxc cau.]
Card ID: 138