
Search Term (count):

JUSSERAND Jean Adrien Antoine Jules a:l william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: JUSSERAND (Jean Adrien Antoine Jules)


    Sc3 JUSSERAND (Jean Adrien Antoine Jules). L’pope mystique de William Larigland. ( Anglais au Moyen fle.) pp. 275. Frontispj.ece . 8°. Pai, 1893.

    Card ID: 565

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    Author: JUSSERAND (Jean Adrien Antoine Jules)


    VISA JUSSERAND (Jean Adrien Antoine Jules); [Mistoire - litt4raire du peuple anglais..— English.) A Literary history of the English peonle... Second edition. 3 vols. Frontispieces. 8°.’Londoz, 1907, 1906— 09. Vol. 1 onlv isof the seorsd. aditton Third edition. 3 vols. FrontlsDieces. 8°. London, 1925—26,1909. Vol. 1only is of the third edition. Voj2is of Wesecondeditt and. To 3 of the -first.

    Card ID: 568