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JS Paulus js (paulus) (3)
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JS, Paulus
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Author: JS (Paulus)
WAINEFRIDtJS (Paulus), Liaeonus. See FESTUS (s.P) Sexti Pompei Festi de vexoorum signific— atdone cium supersunt curn Pauli epitome, etc. Leipziz, 1839.
Card ID: 207
OROSIiJS (Paulus). istoriarui a1v’ros paano libri VII. [CONTfNUO]: ttonarde: 8Qi t.jbi./ Leonwrdo n.q.n huiu rtii 4 d.ecus./ Tua%quc .aus uoiaj ajtuta orOia: aLiu notr Ltmora./ Ab or1im itee origine/ tuinutu: e..a1ue: ‘t caeea ueit./ adea,1ue nome me F0.(1O)° buik. Largc Roman type. with ei4naturme. lines. witn .are (tnirteen—:inc) Caita eaoe at tsie beginning, and tao—, tbree—tour—, anl aeven—line cap— it.el ep.Oa throughout: ruoiQteL, the ro initia. in gold sith interlace L)entmcntet1o uontr.uin4 a a b0r1cr at the sie and acoee the top of the ‘ page, in clue red, ani greon otner initiali in rei and blue; mith epaoez on £o.(2)b, ro.e7)e, ni (7) nt rubricat.ed. tew lai’ ..t tnt oc.inning, to.(i), is nt ot the same pa;cr as rjnts.j It uutitsjns a 4.. bjoljogranjoal note on the cork, srjtt. i12 Ita.1fl. Trj cditioj oC AohaL.j sa procanly tne third ;rinteJ eiLion of Orosium’
Card ID: 318
Author: No Author available
PAULUS, de Sancta. )1Iaria, successively Bishop of Carthagena and of Burgos. HEERONYLt(JS, de Sancta Fide. Das apologetische Schreiben des Josua Lorki an den Abtr’tmnigen Don Salomon ha—Lewi Card ID: 135
Card ID: 135