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JS Paulus a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (2)



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    Author: JS (Paulus)


    OROSIIJS (Paulus). IstorIaruI a1v’ros paano lIbrI VII. [CONTfNUO]: ttonarde: 8QI t.jbI./ Leonwrdo n.q.n huIu rtII 4 d.ecus./ Tua%quc .aus uoIaj ajtuta orOIa: aLIu notr Ltmora./ Ab or1Im Itee orIgIne/ tuInutu: e..a1ue: ‘t caeea ueIt./ adea,1ue nome me F0.(1O)° buIk. Largc Roman type. wIth eI4naturme. lInes. wItn .are (tnIrteen—:Inc) CaIta eaoe at tsIe begInnIng, and tao—, tbree—tour—, anl aeven—lIne cap— It.el ep.Oa throughout: ruoIQteL, the ro InItIa. In gold sIth Interlace L)entmcntet1o uontr.uIn4 a a b0r1cr at the sIe and acoee the top of the ‘ page, In clue red, anI greon otner InItIalI In reI and blue; mIth epaoez on £o.(2)b, ro.e7)e, nI (7) nt rubrIcat.ed. tew laI’ ..t tnt oc.InnIng, to.(I), Is nt ot the same pa;cr as rjnts.j It uutItsjns a 4.. bjoljogranjoal note on the cork, srjtt. I12 Ita.1fl. Trj cdItIoj oC AohaL.j sa procanly tne thIrd ;rInteJ eILIon of OrosIum’

    Card ID: 318

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    Author: JS (Paulus)


    WAINEFRIDtJS (Paulus), LIaeonus. See FESTUS (s.P) SextI PompeI FestI de vexoorum sIgnIfIc— atdone cIum supersunt curn PaulI epItome, etc. LeIpzIz, 1839.

    Card ID: 207