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JS John a:et john|k:to (john) (5)
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JS, John
JS, RegaJ John Tyor
JS, John Robinson
JS, John Maynard
Author: JS (John)
OAItJS (John). A Bo]e, or conseil]. aa1nst,’the dIsoae coiioniy called ,ho. sweate. - . . ]1OI!DON. [III.. Misceflaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Sdeaiiam Sooietr. [?tb1ications.J HEi (J.F. C.) Epidemics of the middle ages, etc. (A Bo1e, or conseill egainstts disease contuonly called the sweat,e, ) Lono, 1844.
Card ID: 455
XDD Cal CAItJS (John). De pronunciatione graecae et latlnae 1iniaë cum scriptione nova libellus, l57L. A f’acslrnile arid English translation by J.B.Gabel. (eedsTe_ai4’ New Serie stJT pp. 2. Leeds, 1968.
Card ID: 459
Author: JS (RegaJ4 John Ty1or)
MJMC LW Hi’ flflJS (RegaJ4 John Ty1or). The Life Guards. (moüs Regirrnts.) pp. 128. flius. I.onclcri, 1971.
Card ID: 139
Author: JS (John Robinson)
?sic Library P70 i’tusic Librar” For reference only JS (John Robinson) [oundRecordns]. E.E.Cummtngs. obinson Jeffers, [eodore Spencer, John Crawe Ransom, reading their awn poems. (Twentieth Century Poetry in English.) Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. ?4no. P L5.
Card ID: 122
Author: JS (John Maynard)
63 MUEtY Key Reference Only KEY!JS (John Maynard), Baron Keynes. The Eonomic consectuences of Mr. Churchill. pp.32. 8°. London, 1925. ‘Oi.C’i1’ LSA’4 FERNca •LY rAnother Copy.)3L.’] ‘, c?Z
Card ID: 452