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JOYCE Janies Augustine Aloys ius a:joyce janies augustine aloys ius|k:0473 (1)
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JOYCE, Janies Augustine Aloys ius
Author: JOYCE (Janies Augustine Aloys ius)
3YP Reference only Ohe JOYCE (Janies Augustine Aloys ius). Se’e O’}MIR (Brendan) and Dfl.tO (John K.) A Classical lexicon for ‘Finnegans Wake’; a glossary of the Greek and Latin in the iijor W0r1(s of Joyce, including ‘‘innegans Wake’, the poeuis, ‘Dubliners’, ‘Stephen Hero’, ‘A Portreit of the artLt Ss a young tlEfl1 ‘Exiles’, and Sujy3Ses. Berkeley, 1977.
Card ID: 240