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JORDAN Dorothy a:an william|k:it (william) (6)
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JORDAN, Dorothy
JOR, Dorothy
No Author available
Author: JORDAN (Dorothy)
o JORDAN (Dorothy). Mrs. Jordan and her family: being the unpublished correspondence of Mrs. Jordan and the Duke of Clarence, later William IV. Edited by A. Aspinall. pp. xxvii. + 295. fortrais and plates. 8°. London1 1951.
Card ID: 461
Author: WORDSWORTH (Dorothy)
Card ID: 78
Author: JOR (Dorothy)
Y%4- roR JOR (Dorothy). To-e Public and private life of that celebrated actress, Hiss Bland, otherviso Mrs. Ford, or, Mrs. Jordan, late mistress of H.R.l1. the D. of Clarence, now King William IT., founder of the Fitzclaronce family... Accompanied by numerous. remarks and anecdotes of ilZ.ustrious and fashionable char&ctors. By a contidontial friend of the departed. [A reprihtj ‘vith oxoisions, of ‘The Great fllegit4mates’, 1832.] pp. 117. 8°. lLondRn4 (1886].
Card ID: 462
Author: No Author available
.r-oR ASPINALL (Arthur). See JORDAN (Dorothy). Mrs. Jordan and her family: being the unpublished correspondence of Mrs. Jordan and the Duke of Clarence, later William IV. Edited by A. Aspinall. London, 1951.
Card ID: 455
OF WILLThI4 IV., King of Great Brjtain pn.d Ire1an,. JORDAN (Dorothy). Mrs. Jordan and her family: being the unpublished correspondence of Mrs. Jordan and the Duke of Clarence, later William IV. Edited by A. Aspinall. London, 1951.
Card ID: 301
.- Ck ASHTON, fterwrds JORDAN (Helen Bosa].ine). William and Dorothy: [a novel of the Wordsworths. With a bibliography.] pp. 414. 8°. London, 1950.
Card ID: 263