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JORDAN David Starr a:jordan david starr|k:on (david) (3)



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    Author: JORDAN (David Starr)


    JORDAN (David Starr). Le8t we forget:” an addre8 delivered before the graduating ola8a of 1898, Leland Stanford Jr. University, on L!ay 2, 1898. (Leland Stanford Junior University Puhlication8.) pp. 36. 8. Palo Alto, 1898.

    Card ID: 452

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    Author: JORDAN (David Starr) and SNYDLR (John Otterbeiri)


    JORDAN (David Starr) and SNYDLR (John Otterbeiri). On a collection of fishes made by A.Owstori in the deep waters of Japan. (Washington, 1904.) See WASHINGTON (COLUtBIA) QnstitutiQfl. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.45. No.1447.

    Card ID: 457

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    Author: JORDAN (David Starr) and STAP!CS (Edwin Chapiri)


    JORDAN (David Starr) and STAP!CS (Edwin Chapiri). Description of a new c:’prinoid fish, Hemibarbus Jolteni, from the Pel Ro, Tientsin, china. [ashingtoit, 1904.] e YIASHINGTON (COLUMBIA) mithsoñiri Institution. Smithsonian niscell ar.eous co).1 ectons. Vo1.e5. No.144.

    Card ID: 458