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JORDAN David Starr a:a david|k:on (david) (7)
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JORDAN, David Starr
JORDAN, David Starr and SNYDLR, John Otterbeiri
JORDAN, David Starr and STAP!CS, Edwin Chapiri
SNYDER, John Otterbein
STARKS, Edwin Chapin
No Author available
Author: JORDAN (David Starr)
JORDAN (David Starr). Le8t we forget:” an addre8 delivered before the graduating ola8a of 1898, Leland Stanford Jr. University, on L!ay 2, 1898. (Leland Stanford Junior University Puhlication8.) pp. 36. 8. Palo Alto, 1898.
Card ID: 452
Author: JORDAN (David Starr) and SNYDLR (John Otterbeiri)
JORDAN (David Starr) and SNYDLR (John Otterbeiri). On a collection of fishes made by A.Owstori in the deep waters of Japan. (Washington, 1904.) See WASHINGTON (COLUtBIA) QnstitutiQfl. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.45. No.1447.
Card ID: 457
Author: JORDAN (David Starr) and STAP!CS (Edwin Chapiri)
JORDAN (David Starr) and STAP!CS (Edwin Chapiri). Description of a new c:’prinoid fish, Hemibarbus Jolteni, from the Pel Ro, Tientsin, china. [ashingtoit, 1904.] e YIASHINGTON (COLUMBIA) mithsoñiri Institution. Smithsonian niscell ar.eous co).1 ectons. Vo1.e5. No.144.
Card ID: 458
Author: OWSTON (Alan)
OWSTON (Alan). See WASHINGTON (COLtfl,IA) Smithsonian Institution. $mithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.45. No.1447. JORDAN (David Starr) and SNYDER (John Otterbein). On a collection of fishes made by A.Owston in the deep waters of Japan [Washington, 1904.]
Card ID: 35
Author: SNYDER (John Otterbein)
SNYDER (John Otterbein). See WASHINGTON .(cOLtnIA) Smithsonian_Instituti on. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.45. No.1447. JORDAN (David Starr) and SNYDER (John Otterbein). On a collection of fishes made by A. Owston in the deep waters of Japan. [washington, 1904.1
Card ID: 566
Author: STARKS (Edwin Chapin)
STARKS (Edwin Chapin). WASHINGTON (COLUNBIA) Smithsonian Institution. Smithsqnian miscellaneous collections, Vol.45. No.1448. JORDAN (David Starr) and STA1KS (Edwin Chapin). Description of a new cyprinoid fish, Remibarbus Joiteni, from the Pei Ho, Tientsin, China fwashington, 1904.]
Card ID: 658
Author: No Author available
JORDAN (David ‘.Starr) and BBAYTON (Alembert w.). Contributions to North American ichthyology.. .111. A. Or. the distribution of the fishes of the’ Alleghany region of South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee...By D.S.Jordan and A.W.Brayton. B. A Synopsis of the family Catostomid. y D.S. Jordan. Y1ashington1. i878. Sec WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.23. [Article Ii.] No.308.
Card ID: 454