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JONG Louis de a:a louis|k:in (louis) (5)
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JONG, Louis de
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Author: JONG ( Louis de)
JONG ( Louis de) Holland fights the Nazis. n d. Temporary Catalogue Entry 7OL-.
Card ID: 145
Author: JONG (Louis de)
‘Jon - - JONG (Louis de). LDe Duitse Vijfde Colonne, !.- English.] The German fifth column in the Second World War. (Revised editjon,),..ranslated from the Dutch by CJ1. Geyl. pp. 308. Haps. London, 19%. LReprinted.i pp. 308, Maps. “ New York. 1973. R42iL%’.C ($j
Card ID: 150
Author: No Author available
t.L JONG (Louis de). De Duitse Vijfde Colónne in de Tweede Ylereldoorlog, etc. [With a bib1ioraphy. Thesis: University of Amsterdam.] pp. xii. + 480. ps nd digrm. 80 Arnhem and AEnsterdam, 1953.
Card ID: 144
ANSTERDAH. Koninklijke Akadeinie van Wetenachapp. Mededelingen...Afd. Letterkunde. Nieuwe reeks. iContinued.J I.. ‘ y./fC,) 39, v. RUIJGH (Cornelius Jord). Chars et roues dana les ‘ - tablettes tnycniennes: la méthode de la mycno1ogie. 1976. p(,,—. 39. vi. JONG (Louis de). Verzet en iflegaiiteit 1940-1945. 1976. 391 vii. STRICK (B.H.) De Naat der dingen. 1976. 1— (R .t flSEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 47
•-.f:- ‘ DEPOSlTOIX RUTTEN C Louis Martin Robert) end H0T7 (Welter). Geological, petrographical and palaeontologica]. results of explorations carried ou from September 1917 till June 1919 in the island of Cerarn by L. Rutten and W. Hotz,etc. First series: Petroraphy. 1. JONG (H. de). Stttdien Itber Eruptiv- und.Miscbgesteine des Kaibobogebietes, West Ceram. pp. (6) + 87. Plates. •0 4. Amsterdam, 1923.
Card ID: 445