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JONES, Stephen
Author: JONES (Stephen)
‘I JONES (Stephen), Drama_tica. The History of Poland, from its origin as a nation to the commencement of the year 1795, etc. [By S.J. i.e. Stephen Jones.] London, 1795. J.. S.
Card ID: 459
•‘•( 2-c JONES (Stephen), EditDr or the “Biogrphia ____ DAVIES (Thomas), Bookseller. Memoirs of theiife of David Garrick,Esq... A new edition,:ith....notes. [Edited by S.J., i.e. Stephen Jones.] gnon, i8o8. /
Card ID: 462
I”) & JONES (Stephen). Fdi fJi Dg:t See GRAY (Thomas), the Poet. [Poetical Works,] The Poetical works of Thornas:Ci-. Vith sote accou.nt of his life &id wx’itings...The second editji, etc. [Edited by S.3ones.J L.or.don, 1800.
Card ID: 463