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JONES Michael John to (john) (7)
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JONES, Michael John
BO(YPH, Michael Richard
No Author available
KAERISS, Gerald Leslie
Author: JONES (Michael John)
folio 53 DHC Ass JONES (Michael John), N.I.M.k. Geochemical exploration 1972. Proceedings of the Fourth International (ieochnical Exploration Symposium, held in London from 17 to 20 April, 1972, and or.nized by the Institution of Mining and Metallur’ for the Association of Exploration Geochemists. Edited by M.J. Jones. London, 1973. See ASSOCIATION OF (PLORATION G!DCHEX[STS.
Card ID: 355
Author: BO(YPH (Michael Richard)
YMb7 Boo BO(YPH (Michael Richard). The Maistrate and. other nineteenth century plays. [By various authors.) Edited by Michael R. Booth. pp. t6i. London, l97i-. Contents: John Bull (1803>, by George Co].man the Younger. The Miller and his men (1813), by Isaac Pocock. The Factory lad (1832>, by John Walker. How to settle accounts with your laundress (18i.7, by Joseph Stirling Coyrie. Box and Cox < lSti.7), by John )ddison Morton. The Corsican brothers (1852), by Dion Boucicailt.. Engaged c1877’>, by William Schwenck Gilbert. The Magistrate <1885), by Arthur Wing Pinero. Mrs.’s defence ( 1900), by Henry Arthur Jones.
Card ID: 518
Author: No Author available
Dip],oma in Librarianship. 196!i. BATES (Herbert Ernest). See JONES (John Michael). H.E.Bates: a [typewritten) bibliography submitted in part requirement for University of London Diplozm in Librarianship. . . 1961i. 14°• 1961+.
Card ID: 169
Diploma In Librarianship. 1964. JONES (John Michael). H • E. Bates: a [typewritten] bibliography submitted in part requirement for University of London Diploma in Librarianzhip...1964. (ii.6) leaves. 4° 196L4.
Card ID: 262
Author: KAERISS (Gerald Leslie)
63Mu6 Cam ‘I KAERISS (Gerald Leslie). See LONDON. [III.) Royal Historical Society Camden fourth series. 9. Canr.en miscellany. Vol. XXIV. (1. Some documents relating to the disputed succession to the duchy of Brittany, 134l. Edited by Michael Jones. 2. Documents relating to the Anglo-French negotiations of lii39. Edited by C.T. Ailmand. 3. John Benet’s Chronicle for the years lIi.(X) to lZi62. Edited by G.L. Rarriss and M.A. Harris.) - London. 1972.
Card ID: 2
63 Mu6 Cam HARRISS (M.A.) See LONDON. [III.] Royal Historical Society. Camden fourth series. 9. Caim.en miscellany. Vol. XXIV. 11. Some documents relatina to the disputed succession to the d.uchy of Brittany, 13111, Edited by Michael Jones. 2. Documents relating to the Anglo-French negotiations of 139. Edited by C.T. Alband. 3 John BenetSs Chronicle for the years Thoo to 11i62. Edited by G.L. Harriss and M.A. Harris.) London, 1972.
Card ID: 3
63 xu6 LONDON. [III.] Royal Historical Society. Camden fourth series. 9. Camden miscellany. Vol. XXIV. (a. Some documents relating to the disputed succession to the duchy of Brittany, 131i1. Edited by Michael Jones. 2. Documents relating to the Anglo-French negotiations Of 1439. Edited by C.T. Alimand. 3. John Benet’s Chronicle for the years 14CM) to lZi.62. Edited by G.E. Harriss and M.A. Harris.) pp. 252. London, 1972.
Card ID: 366