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JONES Henry Festing a:s john|k:to (john) (5)
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JONES, Henry Festing
JONES, Henry Festing and B TF!OLO?d, ugustus Theodore
Author: JONES (Henry Festing)
Mii3 JONES (Henry Festing).. Diversions in Sicily: pp. xii. + 3j0. 8°. London, 1909. iith a presentation inacription from S.C. Cockerell to C.H.Lit. Jóh. Eoby nd St. John tiornby’s printed book label.
Card ID: 151
ftJ JONES (Henry Festing). Satie1 Butler, author of Erewhon, (1835— 19O2) a memoir. [With a bib1iography. 2 vols. Portraits and plats. 0 8 . London, 1919. 1. To 1885. 2. From 1885 to 1916. 4
Card ID: 153
N N JONES (Henry Festing). Samuel Butler.: a sketch. (The Life and Colour Series, No. 2.) pp. 59 3. London, 1921.
Card ID: 154
JONES (Henry Festing). BUTLER (Scue1), Phi1Qophica1 Writer. The Skrewsbury edition of the works of Samuel But2.r. Edited by H.F.Jones and A.T.Bartholomew. Londofl and new Yqrk, 1923— 26.
Card ID: 155
Author: JONES (Henry Festing) and B TF!OLO?d1 (ugustus Theodore)
cL4p Ji JONES (Henry Festing) and B TF!OLO?d1 (ugustus Theodore). The Sanuel Butler collection at Saint John’s College, Cambridge: a catalogue and a - conentary. Carnbride, 1921. See CM1BItGE. Universitof Camb’ide. Saint John’s CoiIege. Library.
Card ID: 159