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JONES Henry Arthur a:an michael|k:a (michael) (4)
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JONES, Henry Arthur
BO(YPH, Michael Richard
Author: JONES (Henry Arthur)
XMv f JONES (Henry Arthur), Dramatist. Mrs. Lane’s defence: a. play in four act5. See BO(Y]!H (Michael Nichard). The Magistrate arid other nineteenth century plays. Edited by Michael R. Booth. pp. 38l-6l. London, 197k.
Card ID: 111
C JONES (Henry Arthur) * Dramatist. Michael and his lost angel: a play in five acts. pp. (8) + 82. 8°. f,ondon, privately printed, l95. ?reenttio copy froni the author to M. 1. Spieltnann, with the latter’s bookdate. An autoran letter frot Jbn&s to Spielniann, datFô Nov. 19 1I sinsertt in the - vDlume.
Card ID: 106
‘Io JONES (Henry Arthur), Drajtiati8t. Retresentative plays.. ,dited, with historical biographical, arid critical introductions, by C.amilton. L vols. Portraits. 0 8. Boston cLondon), 1925-26. 1. The silver king. Ihe middleman. Judah, The dancing girl. 1925. 2. The Crusaders. The tempter. The Masqueraders. The case oz rebellious Susan. 1925. 3. Michael and his lost angel. The liars. Mrs. Danes defence. The hypocrites. 1925. 1 iolly reforcing herself. The divine girt. Mary goes first. The goal. Grace Mary, 1926.
Card ID: 124
Author: BO(YPH (Michael Richard)
YMb7 Boo BO(YPH (Michael Richard). The Maistrate and. other nineteenth century plays. [By various authors.) Edited by Michael R. Booth. pp. t6i. London, l97i-. Contents: John Bull (1803>, by George Co].man the Younger. The Miller and his men (1813), by Isaac Pocock. The Factory lad (1832>, by John Walker. How to settle accounts with your laundress (18i.7, by Joseph Stirling Coyrie. Box and Cox < lSti.7), by John )ddison Morton. The Corsican brothers (1852), by Dion Boucicailt.. Engaged c1877’>, by William Schwenck Gilbert. The Magistrate <1885), by Arthur Wing Pinero. Mrs.’s defence ( 1900), by Henry Arthur Jones.
Card ID: 518