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JONES George a:be george|k:0208 (10)



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    Author: JONES (George)


    8AC09 OCJTY Hapiici JONES (George)., .R.S. The History of ancient Mierica, anterior to the time of Colunbus, proving the identity of the aborigines with the Tyrians and Israelites, anc3 the introductic:n of Christianity into the Western heriisphere by the Apostle St.Thornas...The Tyrian ra. Third edition. Vol. 1. Portrait. 8°. London, 1843. A secQ Jitlepae...jead “An orinal history of ancient the ruins of anticuity” etc. No more published.

    Card ID: 531

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    Author: JONES (George Fenwick)


    JONES (George Fenwick). Honor in German literature. CWith a bibliography.] (University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languags and Literatures, 25.) pp. (12) ÷ 2O. 8°. Chapel Hill tAssen printed, 195 9)

    Card ID: 535

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    Author: JONES (George Fenwick)


    MICRO-’ COPY FOR REFERCE ONLY JONES (George Fenwick). Realism and social satire in Wittenwiler’s Ring, . IThesis: Co1rnbia University. With a bibliography. j vii. + 279. leaves. 0 Ii.. Arm Arbor, 1950. Positive raicrofilm froi a tyoewritten criinal.

    Card ID: 536

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    Author: JONES (George Fenwick)


    - ‘,: G7q JONES (George Fenwick). Verskor.kordnz zu den Liedern Oswalds von Wolkeristein.llss. .und i). Herausgegeben ‘ion George Fenwlck Jones, Hens-Dieter ?ikk, Ulrich Miller. (pinge Arbeiten zur Gernnistik2 tO_J41.) 2 vols. Gppingen, 1973.

    Card ID: 537

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    Author: JONES (George Fenwick)


    ,)cwK JONES (George Fenwick). See wITTENWEILER (Beinrich). Wjttenwi1r’s Ring and the anonymous Scots poem Colkelbie sow: two comic—dilactic works from the fifteenth century. Trns1ated by O.F.Jones. ChaoiFjll, 1956.

    Card ID: 538

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    Author: JONES (George Howard)


    DEP OITO RY JONES (George Howard). The Earth Goddess: a study of native fariuin on the West Africen coast. [With a bib1iograph.2 (Royal Empire Society Imperial Studies, No. 12.) pp. vu. + {7r÷ 2O. P1ites - 0 8 . London, 196.

    Card ID: 539

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    Author: JONES (George Neville)


    JONES (George Neville). The FLowering plants and ferns of Mount’ Bainier. Seattle, 1938. See SEATTLE (WASHINGTON). Universityof University of Washington publications in biology. Vol. 7.

    Card ID: 541

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    Author: JONES (George Lailman)


    JONES (George Lailman). Dormancy and leafing in hite elm (ulmus americana>. tith a bib1ioraphy. j A dissertation submitted to the University of Chicago)...’or the deree of Loctor of Philosophy...193). pp. (i) -t- v. + j7. Illustration, chart1s and tables. 0 1 8 . Chicago, 1938. Typescript, facsimile.

    Card ID: 542

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    Author: JONES (George Wi11im)


    JONES (George Wi11im) Logarithrnio tables... .Fourth eH.ion. pp. 160. 0. 8 . London and ILhca, N.., 1893

    Card ID: 544

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    Author: JONES (Thomas Rupert) and 1{flDE (George Jenuin)


    53 It1- LccJa JONES (Thomas Rupert) and 1{flDE (George Jenuin) A Supplementary monograph of the Ore taceous ltomostraca of gland and Ireland. London, 1890. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Palaeontographical Society.

    Card ID: 518