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JONAS Hans a (hans) (3)



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    Author: JONAS (Hans)


    PNU G5 Jon JONAS (Hans). The Gnostic religion: the message of the alien God and the beginnings of Christianity.. .Second edition, revised. pp. 355. Bibi. Boston, £d’ass., 1967.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: No Author available


    fq LJ.__ JONAS (Hans). Gnosis unt (Fàrschunp,en zur k€ion und Literatu.r i1ten unci Füeti restaLikents, eue FoIgç 33T - 0 8. Gottinen, 1934. Nc__or1ub1in. 1. Jie yLo1oLiscke Gnosis. it einer iin1itun zur GLchichte ünd iet.ouo1oie dr Forschun.

    Card ID: 172

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    Author: No Author available


    UPSALA. Regia Academia Upsa1iensia. Acta Universitatis Upealiensis: Studia Graeea Upsalienais. [Continued. J 10. PAIJI (James Vilhelm Jonas). Om Filoatratos och hans Apollonios-biografi. 1976. 8s BIC)N, of Boryathenes. Bion of Borysthenes: a co11ection97’ of the fragments, With introduction and commentary ([by] Jan Fredrik Kindatrand). 1976. 12. UPSALA. Regia Academia Utealiensis. Seminariet for Klassiska Sirk. berliner Leihgabe griechiacher Papyri1 II. Aus dem Nachiase Ture Kalens fortgefUhrt und in franzSsischer Tracht herausgegeben von kifred Tomain (Paul l1ertsns). 1977.

    Card ID: 204