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JOHNSON Reginald Brimley (3)
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JOHNSON, Reginald Brimley
Author: JOHNSON (Reginald Brimley)
JOHNSON (Reginald Brimley). The Birth of romance. [Extractsj from “Euphues”, Sidney’s “Arcadia”, romantics and pastorals. Selected with introduction, notes and tables by R.B.Johxison. (The Erz1ish Literature Library, I. The Novel,1.) pp. xxvii. f 138. 8°. London, 1928.
Card ID: 464
yf, JOHNSON (Reginald Brimley). Novelists on novels,from the Duchess of Newcastle to George Eliot. Selected, with a introIuction, by LB.Johnson. pp. xxvii. + 243. V 80. London,., 19L8.
Card ID: 473
JOHNSON (Reginald Brimley). FIELDING (S.) The Lives: of Cieqpatra..& Octavia... Edited, withan...introducticn, by R.B,Johnson. [Londq], 1928.
Card ID: 481