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JOHNSON Leslie peter a:as leslie|k:0870 (3)



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    Author: JOHNSON (Leslie Peter)


    XWK2 Job JOHNSON (Leslie Peter). Studjen zur fr(hnitteThochdeutsehen Literatur: Cwnbrid&er Colloquium 1971. Herausgegeb en von L.P. Johnson, 11.-H. Steinhoff und. R.A. Wisbey. pp. 359. Berlin, 197L Published also as Vol.19 of the Publications of the Institute of Genuanic Studies, University of London.

    Card ID: 388

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    Author: JOHNSON (Leslie peter)


    xw 1r JOHNSON (Leslie peter). See HAE1’ (Wolfgang) and JOHNSON (Leslie Peter). Deutsche Literatur des st&ten Mittelalters: ]*mburger Colloquium 1973. [Papers V rait a Colloquium held in Harnburg-Blankenese, 16-22 September.] Iterausgegeben von Wolfgang 1rms und L. Peter Johnson. berlin, 1975.

    Card ID: 389

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    Author: HARF (wo1fafl€) and JOHNSON (Leslie peter)


    xw HARF (wo1fafl€) and JOHNSON (Leslie peter). Deutc1e Literstur des sten Mittelalters: Hatiburger colloquium 1973. [Papers frci a Colloquium held in Hambur-ELankenese, 16-22 SeDtember.) Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Haxit und L. Peter Jolnsorz. pp. 315. rlin, 1975. Published also as Vol.. 22 of the Publicatos of the Institute of Gernnic 5tudes, University of London.

    Card ID: 141