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JOHNSON John a:on john|k:0959 (6)
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JOHNSON, John Henry
JOHNSON, John Faven
JOHNSON, John Raven
JOHNSON, Manuel John
Author: JOHNSON (John)
L3 JOHNSON (John), Uchant. The Johnson letters, 1542—1552. Edi.ted, with an introduction [and a bibliographyJ,by B. Winchester. [Typewritten thesis subnitted for the degree of Ph.D. of the University of London in 1953.j 2 Vols. Tables. 4. 1953.
Card ID: 359
JOHNSON (John), Printer to the University of Oxford. See JOHNSON (John de t1onins).
Card ID: 361
Author: JOHNSON (John Henry)
JOHNSON (John Henry). See CALLBRIDGE (hiASSACh1JSETTS). Mediaeval Academy of America. LPublications.] 37. VILLJiRD and CP.RIS (?i.A.) The En1ish government at work, 1327 —133o. Edited by J.F.Willard and W.A.Morris. Vol.1, eUc. çThe King’s Wardrobe and Household. By J.fl.Johnson.) pp. 206—249. Camridp, [Mass.], 1940.
Card ID: 373
Author: JOHNSON (John Faven)
P L”I JOHNSON (John Faven). ADALtS (foger), Professor at the University ‘of Illinois. Drganlcreactions. Editorial board: R.hda:is...J.R.Johnson, tc. w York and London, 1946, ç.
Card ID: 375
Author: JOHNSON (John Raven)
DEPOSITORY JOHNSON (John Raven). .!! ADAMS (Roger), Professor at the University of Illinois, and JO(SON (JohnT7 Elementary laboratory experiments in organic chemistry. . .Third edition. New York, 19LO.
Card ID: 376
Author: JOHNSON (Manuel John)
DEFOStTORY JOHNSON (Manuel John). A Catalogue of 6o6 principal fixed stars in the Southern hemisphere, deduced fron observations made at the Observatory, St. Helena, ‘rom November 1829 to April etc. pp. 4) + 82 + (2). Toies. 4°. London, I83.
Card ID: 410