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JOHNSON, Harry Gordon
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Author: JOHNSON (Harry Gordon)
_1 JOHNSON (Harry Gordon). Alternative guiding principlee for the use of monetary policy. (Based on a paper prepared for the Canadian 1oyal Commission on Banking and Finance.) (Essays in International Finance, 44) pp. 38. 8°. Princeton, N.J., 1963.
Card ID: 328
obrlgJ JOHNSON (Harry Gordon), Clearing bank holdings of public debt, 1930—1950... [Reprinted from] the Bulletin of the London and Cambridge Economic Service, November 1951, etc. Cambridge, 1952. See CAMBRIDGE. University of 0ambride Department of Applied Economics, Reprint series, 54.
Card ID: 329
Author: No Author available
T(P.C.i) JOHNSON (Harry Gordon). See 13ATiAli (David Haven). Rebuildtn€ the liberal order. [By] D.H.Earran, E.G.Johnson, The Earl of Cromer. London, 1959.
Card ID: 333
‘iM (t.C.l.) JOHNSON (Harry Gordon). UK arid floating exchanges: a debate on the theoretical and practical implications. 1. The Care for flexible exchange rates, 1969. tpyl H.G. Johnson. 2. UK policy and 4ntér— atlonal monetary ref orTn. LBYJ 3.E. Nash. (Hobart Papers, 116.) pp. 70. London, 1969.
Card ID: 332
TR (P.0.1.) NASH (John Edward). UK policy and international monetary reform. See JOHNSON (Harry Gordon). UK and floating exchanges: a debate on the theoretical and practical implications. 1. The Care for flexible exchange rates, 1969. jB) H.G. Johnson. 2. UK policy and interational monetary reform. By J.E. Nash. London, 1969.
Card ID: 171
LONDON. [Iii.] Institute of Economic Affairs. Hobart papers. [Continued.] 46. JOHNsON (Barry Gordon). UK and floating exchange rates: a debate on the theoretical and practical implications. 1. The case for flexible exchange rates, 1969. [By] •Tft Harry G. Johnson. 2. UK policy and international iPrjj monetary reform. [By] John E. Nash. 1969. 47. PAISB (Frank Walter). Rise and fall of incomes policy.Second edition. 1971. P t [ssz NEXT CARD]
Card ID: 273
Author: PNCON (NEW JsEY)
PNCON (NEW JsEY). Erinceton Unvers.y. Department of Economics. International Finance Section. ssaya in international finance. [Gontinued.J 124. JOHNSON (Harry Gordon). Noney, balance-of—payments theory, and the international monetary problem. 1977. 2f) 125. cKINN0N (Ronald Ian). The Eurocurrency market.[ A paper delivered as the Frank D.rahi emoria1 lecture at rinceton University in March 197?.] 1977. 126. TOSINI (Paula A.) Leaning againat the wind: a standard for rnaagod floating. 1977. [ Other entries will be found in the New Catalogue, available from Summer 1980. )
Card ID: 175