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JOHN Henry a:in use|k:in (use) (7)
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JOHN, Henry
SPOONER, Henry John
ON, Sir John-
No Author available
WLLEY, George
Author: JOHN (Henry)
SAINT—JOHN (Henry), Vi soount. Bo1ingbxoke. Boiingbroke’s Defenee of the Treaty of Utrecht: being Letters VI—VIfl of the Study and use of history. With an introduction by G. M. Trevelyan. pp. x. 1- lO. 8°. Cambridge, 1932. Book set for the BA. Honours Degree (History) l936—37
Card ID: 229
Author: SPOONER (Henry John)
SPOONER (Henry John). Machine drawing and dc-sign for beginners: an introductory work for the use-of technical students. (Second edition, new impression.) pp. xviij. + 266. Illustrations, diagrains and tables. obi. 8°. London, 1937.
Card ID: 302
Author: ON (Sir John-)
PS3F Har Reference only HARING’I’ON (Sir John-). A Briefe vie-w of the state of the Church of England in Q.Elizabeth’ s and King James his reigne to the yeere 1608: being a character and history of the bishops of those tines, and may serve as an aiiditional supply to D3ctor Goodwin a Catalogue of bishops. Written for the private use of Prince Henry, upon occasion of that proverb, Henry the eighth pull’d down monks and their cells. Henry the ninth should pull down bishops and their bells. [Edited. by J.Chetwind.) pp. (io) + 2U [or rather, 213] + (3). 12G. For J.Kirton: London, 1653. The pagination is irregula
Card ID: 493
Author: No Author available
GAUVAIIf (Sir Henry John). See ACPI1OTHERAPY GilNIQUE. Actinotherapy technique: an outline of indications and. methods for the use of modern light therapy. With a foreword by Sir H. Gauvain. Slough, [].932
Card ID: 183
Author: WLLEY (George)
JR New Tol WLLEY (George). Meaning and purpose in higher education: essayo based upon a use of ideas of John Henry Newnan. pp. 82. Sheffield, 1975.
Card ID: 303
O f1Q.c)ij’ i!ERRIFIELD (John), D.. and EVERS (Henry). Navigation and nautical astronomy Card ID: 545
Card ID: 545
c, . JCENDA.L (John), Philomath. ,Cpovoetptc( or, the Measure of time in directions, according to a new, natural, and accurate institution, containing tables of the equation of arch’s of direction, thereto corresponding. Whereby with much facility, directions in all nativities are made to keep time with accidents, within the limits of sri astronomical error...s also, divers necessary, and exquisite rules, and precepts of art, together with the use and explanation of the tables, practically illustrated in the geniture of Mr. Henry Coley. [With a preface by H.Coley.J pp. (12) + 48 + (2) + 211. Plat, diagrams and tables. 30 London1 1 684
Card ID: 127