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Author: JEWEL (John)
JEWEL (John), Bishop of Saiisbuy. [Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. — English.] An Apo1oge, or aunswer in defence of the Church of England, concernin the state of religion vse5 in the saEle. Newly set forth in Latine [by J. Jewell and now translated into Englishe. London, 162. See ENGLA?D. Church of Er:gland. [Apjendix.]
Card ID: 51
cL7 - Laj JEWEL (John), BishoD of Salisbury. lApologia .Ecclesiae Anglicanae. -— English.J A Confutation of a book intituled “An Apologie of the Church of England’ [By Bishop Jewel. With the text.) By T.Harding. Thou Laet: Antwerp, 1565. See ENGLAND. Qbw’ch of England. (Appendix.]
Card ID: 52
JEWEL (John), Bishop of Salisbury. A Defense of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, etc. [Continued.] With some contemporary MS. notes in the margins. In a contemporaryjinding of brown calf, with roll-stamped border, repaired and rebacked. 4’ [Third edition.] pp. (40) + 764 [or rather, 762] + (6). fol. H.Wykes: London, 1571. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 57
JEWEL (John), Bishop of Salisbury. A Defense of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande, etc, [Continued.) The pagination is very irreg.ilar. Bound with: A Replie vnto M.Hardinges answeare, 1566.
Card ID: 58
C-’rO JEWEL (John), jsho oa1ibur. [Appendix.] An Ans7:er in defence of the truth against the — Apology of private Mass...Tc which isprefixed ...the work answered, entitled An Apology-of private ?ass, an anonymous Popish treatise agai.-ist Bishop Jewel. Edited for the Parker Society by W.Goode. - Cambridge, 1850. COOPER (Thorias) successively o Licp1n and of t,oidon.
Card ID: 60