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JET Paul a:as paul|k:is (paul) (2)



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    Author: JET (Paul)


    SOUQtJET (Paul). Ises Ecrivains pdagogues xvle siècle: extraits des uvres do 1rasine, Sadolet, Rabelais, Luther, Vivès, Ramus, Montaigne, Charron [and Saliat]... Quatrième edition. (Bibliothêgue Pedagogigue.) pp. 193. 8°. Paris, [c. 1900].

    Card ID: 43

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    Author: No Author available


    TORONTO. University of Toronto. University of Toronto romance series. [Continued.j 35. JET (G.D.) An Index of proper names in French’”‘ Arthurian prose romances, 1978. 36. BART (Benjamin Franklin) and COOK (Robert Francis)?L The Legendary sources of Flaubert’s ‘Saint Ju1ien’? 1977. 37. 2ICOJR (Paul). [La Mtaphore vve.—Er.glish.] The Rule of metaphor: multi-disciplinary studies of the creation of neaning in language. Translated by Robert Czerny with Kathleen McLauhlin and John Costello. 1977.

    Card ID: 125