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JESSE, John Heneage
Author: JESSE (John Heneage)
Li JESSE (John Heneage). Celebrated Etonian. Boston, U.S.A., [1910]. See infra: Memoirs of the court of England. Vol. 29—30.
Card ID: 141
9 (‘Pjj - JESSE (John Heneage). [Ceorge Se1.yn nd his Contemporaries.— en.] See STUART (L Louisa). - Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on “George Selwyn and his conteiporaries” by John Heneage Jesse. Vi.S.Lewis. New Xork_ancl London, 1928.
Card ID: 143
L7 JESSE (John Heneage). King Richard the Third and so:ne of iis contemporaries, etc. Boston, U.S.A., [1910]. See infra: Memoirs of the court of England. — Vol.16.
Card ID: 144
1 jes JESSE (John Heneage). London: its ce1ebrted characters and remarkable places. 3 vols. Frontispieces. STERL IJRARY 8°. London printedi, REFER CAZer copy.] [s L 1871. Extra—illustrated by the insertion of numerous portraits arid topograr:hical engravings. Bound in 6 volumes with a specja].lyprjnted titlepage to, each volume, the—original tit1eages being bound in at the end of vols. 1, 5 an 5. S.L.C., XV. 247.
Card ID: 147
JESSE (John Heneage). Meirofts of the Court of Thgland. (Westminster edition.) 30 vols. Platds. 8°. fiio. I — 6. Uir±rR the reign of the Stuart,; Including the Protectorate. ‘7 —JO. l1rcn the Revolution in 168B to the death of George the Second. ii—ig, The Pretenders and thr adherents. 14—15. Literary and histor±cal memorials of London. 16. King Idohard the Third and some of his Contemporaries. See next card.
Card ID: 148
‘L$7 let’ JESSE (John Heneage). Memoirs of the court of England frot the Revolution in i688 to the death of George the Second. Boston, U.S.A., [1910]. See supra: Memoirs of the court of England. Vols. 7—10.
Card ID: 151