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JEREMIAS Alfred an (alfred) (7)
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Author: JEREMIAS (Alfred)
OEP?QtZ, JEREMIAS (Alfred). The Babylonian conception of Heaven and Hell... Translated by J.Hutchison. [With a. bibliography.) (The Ancient Ea. No. 4.) pp. 52. [H.M.L.] 8°. London, 1902.
Card ID: 296
-sosIirOR JEREMIAS (Alfred). The Old ‘estarint in the light of the Ancient at: manual cf Biblical rchaeb1o.;n1Ish edition. Translated from the second ernan edition, revised and enlarged by the author, by C.L. 1eaumont. dited by C.LW. Johns. 2 o1s. Iflustrations. London and New York, 1911.
Card ID: 302
Author: EUTCHISON (Jane)
EUTCHISON (Jane). JEREMIAS (Alfred). The Babylonian conception of Heaven and Hell...Translated by J.fIutchison. Lofldon, 1902.
Card ID: 160
Author: No Author available
d-t-t. Fiq. Ct-i DPoS1ToRY BERLLN. Vorderasiatisch— typtische Geselisohaft. Der alte Orient. Vol. 32.No. 1. JEREMIAS (Alfred). Der Kosmos von Su.zner. pp. (2) + 28 + Ci). 8°. Leipzig, 1933.
Card ID: 157
BIBLE. Appendixe Old Testament. Miscellaneous. See JEREMIAS (Alfred). The Old Testwent in the light of the Ancient gast: manual of Eiblical archaeology. . .Eng]ash edition. Translated from the second German edition, revised and enlarged by the author, by C.1..Beaumont. Edited by C.fl.W.Johns. London and New York, 1911
Card ID: 143
BASLER STUDI ZTJR DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE U1D JITERATUR. Basler Studien zur d.eutschen Sprache und Literatur. [Continued.] xrr 34. GRABER (Heinz). Alfred Döblins Epos CrcP%. Manas. 1967. 35. SCHNEIDER (Hansj5rg). Jakob van Hoddis: em Beitrag zur Erforsehung des Expressionismus. 1967. 36. BUIINE (1einhild). Jeremias Gotthelf und daa - Problem der Armut. 1968. 1. - [SEE NEXT CARD]
Card ID: 101
BIBtE. Appendix. Old Testament. Micc1lancous. See JEREMIAS (Alfred). La Kampfe urn Babel und Bibel: em Wort zur Verstndigung mid Abwehr...Vierte, abez’mals erweiterte einem Vorwort: “Offenbarung ira Alten Testament”, als Eraiderung auf Friedrich Delitzseh’s Vorwort: “Zur Kiarung”, ir den neuer Auflagen von “Babel und ]3ibel”, II. Leipzig, 1903.
Card ID: 142