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JEPPHI Recos a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (2)



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    Author: JEPPHI (Recos)


    ‘vtrkc rt:r %___ -7 eN JEPPHI (Recos), pseud. [i.e. Joseph PRICE.] A Ministerial alnanack. addressed to the Right Ronourable Lord Thurlow, which is set forth and clearly explained the nature and value of every sort of patronage now about to be transfered [sic] from the East India Gonpany to the Crown...The second edition, By Recos Jepphi [i.e. Joseph Price]. pp. 53. [L.I. j 8°. London, 1783. Bound with Buckinton: SeriQus considerations on -- the political conduct of Lord North.

    Card ID: 256

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    Author: PRICE (Joseph)


    PRICE (Joseph), Ctain. A Ministerial almanack, addressed to the Right Honourable Lord which is set forth and clearly explained the nature and value of every sort of patronage now about to be transfered Lsic) front the E5st India Compsny to the Crown...The second edition. By Recos Jepphi [i.e. Joseph Price]. London, 1783. JEPPHI (Recos), tse. [i.e. Joseph PRICE.]

    Card ID: 167