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JENSTER Sebastian a:e or|k:on (e) (2)
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JENSTER, Sebastian
Author: JENSTER (Sebastian)
- I JENSTER (Sebastian) Ka1endari Hebraicvm, opera Sebastiani Munsteri ex Hebroruin penetralibus jam recs in lucem dituni, quod n tam Hebraice studiosis quàm historiographis & astronorni peritis subseruire potent. pp. (8) + 200 + (16). P1ate diagrams and tab1es [Hebrew and Latin.] [De M.. 4 Apud I. FrobLQniurn]: Bsle, 1 e Hebrew ti cedes the Latin one on the titlepage. LLATION:— a ie author’s name has been obliterated tith x1 where it occurs in the title.
Card ID: 97
M1JENSTER (Sebastian). See BURMEISTEE (Karl H..) Sebastian Miluster: Versuch eines biographischen Gesantbildes. Basle and Stuttgart, 1963.
Card ID: 100