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JD Paul jd (paul) (8)



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    Author: JD (Paul)


    IZATITAtJD (Paul). Journal littdraire, ç. [Continu.ed.J 9. >Iai 1931 — octobre 1932. 1960. 10. Octobre 1932 — jar.vier 1S35. 1961. 11; Janvier 1935 — mai 193’?. 1961. 12. Mai 1937 — f4vrier 1940. 1962. 13. Février 191+O—juin 1941. 1962. 14. Juillet 1941 — novembre 1942. 1963. 15.. Novembre 1942 — juin 1944. 1963. 196k. XTT 16. JuJ.llet 194k — aoet 1946. 17 Aoüt 1946 — aoQt 1949. 1964. 15. Aoilt 1949 - vrier 1956. 1964. 19. histoire dii na1. Pages retrouvées. Index général

    Card ID: 181

  • card

    Author: JD (OHIO)


    GLVi3L-JD (OHIO). The Rowfant Club. IAE).!PERLY (Paul). Boo1s and . pp. (2) + 58 + (2). Plates and facsimiles. 8°. Cleveland, OhioJ, 193& idit1on limited to 200 copies ot which this ie lb. 185.

    Card ID: 197

  • card

    Author: JD (Jakob) nd STETOIR (Arriald)


    J1JD (Jakob) nd STETOIR (Arriald). Ioninica helvetico, etc. [Cmtinued.J 8;. )JEDI (George5). Die Metapher e15 Yunktion cler Aktualisieriing. 1973. 86. FLAMENCA. I.e Roman de Flamenca: nouvelle occitane du 13e siècle. Texte tabli et commentê par lunch Gachwind. 2 vol.6. 1976. ccg0 87. ISCER (Paul). Edtttde do rtrLttigraphie linguistique. 1978. 88. KRISTOL (tndres K.) Color: les langues romanes devantRr. le phénornène de la couleur. 1978. [SEE 1’LXi CARD. J

    Card ID: 435

  • card

    Author: DUKES (Paul)


    G5 Bri DUKES (Paul). 8IDGES (Roy Charles). Nations & empires: documents on the history of Europe and on its relations with the world since 1648. Edited by R.C. Bridges, P. Dukes, J.D. Hargreaves & W. Scott. London and New York, 1969.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: DONNE (John)


    STERL1NiJBRARY [J i L’ - REVERE’C ‘L’( DONNE (John), Dean of St. Paul’s. Poems, by J.D. With elegies on the authors death. pp. (12) ÷ 406. Printed by 11. F[jesherj. for 1. Marriot: Lncion, 1635. With the2 leaves, sigfled R—A2, containing TThe rint.erto thunderstandersT, inserted_between A4 and 31. The first and last leaves of the book (A a4 Ff4). both blank are wantig. I. 3i. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 531

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    Author: No Author available


    • Ji - I . 3 iTFFi — )‘LY DONNE (John), Dean of St. Paul’s. Poems, by J.D., etc. [Continued.j [Second edition] pp. (12) + 388 + (32). Portrait. 8°. Printed by LFClesherJ for SJarriot: -‘ondon, 1635. The last leaf, Dd8, has been daged, affecting 2 words of the tezcb, and repaired. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 532

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    Author: No Author available


    sTErzLI:G LARs ES.L.] I. [Donne — 1633] REFEItNCE ONLY DONN (John), Dean of St. Paul’s. Poems, &o. by J.D., etc. [Continued.) — [Another edition.] With elegies on the authors death. To which is added divers copies under his own.hand, never bcfor printed. pp. (6), 414. [London], 1669. Inmerfect; wanting Al and Dd8, both blank leaves. The pagination is irregular.

    Card ID: 533

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    Author: No Author available


    JANUA LINGUARUM. Janua linguarum...Series practica. [onUnued.] ‘jttfri 129. SEOKA (Kazimierz A.) The Syntax of English phraeal So verbs. 1972. 130. LOGAN (Marry NJ) The Dialect of the life of Saint ‘jD Katherine: a linguistic study of the phonology +‘- and inflections. 1973. 131. RYDER (Stuart A.) The D-stem in western Semitic. 1974. p. 132. SEAJ4AN (Paul David). Modern Greek and American in coEct. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 524