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JAY Peter a:on peter|k:is (peter) (5)
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JAY, Peter
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T, Sir Vietor Sawdon
Author: JAY (Peter)
JAY (Peter), Journalist. A General hypothesis of up1oynient, inflation and politics. Sixth Wincott Meaorial Leeture delivered at St.Johns, Smith Square, Westminster, on Z December, 1975. (lEk occasional Paper, i6.) pp. 31. London, 1976.
Card ID: 378
Author: No Author available
53 Rapid Reference Carto-bibliographies U. $, A. L’J GUTHORN (Peter Jay). Britiah maps of the American Revolution. pp.79. Illus. fol. Konniouth Beach, N.J., 1972.
Card ID: 152
Author: VIDAL (Gore)
folio 33 L99b Vid VIDAL (Gore). Great Americe fmi1ies. [By] Gore Vida]., V.S. Pritchett, David Caute, Bruce Chatw’in, Peter Conrad, [and) Edard Jay Epstein. pp. 192. Illus. London, 1977.
Card ID: 31
Author: T (Sir Vietor Sawdon)
folio 33 L99b Vid PR IIU}LflT (Sir Vietor Sawdon). See VIDAL (Gore). Great American families. Lw] Gore Vidal, V.5. Pritehett, David Caute, 1uee Chatwin, Peter Conrad, [and I Edward Jay Epstein. London, 1977.
Card ID: 476
lONDON. CIII.] In5titute of Economic Affairs. Occasional papers. [Continued.) 4. IRIEDIAN (Milton). Unemployment versus inflation? An evaluation of the Phillips curve...Witt a British commentary ‘The end of “demand management”: how to reduce unemployment in the late 197O’ by D.E.W. Laialer. (Third impression.) 1977. 45. I{AYEK (Friedrich August von), lull employment at any price? etc. 1975. — 46. JAY (Peter), Journalist. A General iypothesis of eap1oyment, inflation and politics, etc. 2.976 47. FL4MING (John Stanton). Catch ‘76..? 14 escapes ic_((’c V..) from economic derangement. [By] John hemming [and. others]. 1976. (SEe: N.T CAPD.]
Card ID: 293