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JAMIESON, John den
WILLIS, John Jamieson
Author: JAMIESON (John)
JAMIESON (John), D.D., of Edinbur. Remars on the antiquity of the earliest Scottish coins now extaxit...Read February 15th and March 7th, 1832. See LO1cDO1. CIII. Iisceilaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.j y-a1_Society of Literature. ransactions, etc. Vol. 2. pp. 304-321. London, 1834.
Card ID: 15
JAMIESON (John), of the Rqyal Belfast Academical Institution. The History of the Royal Belfast Academical Institution, 1810—1960.[With a bibliography.] pp. xvi. + 300. Portraits, plates, facsimiles and tables. 80. Belfast, 1959.
Card ID: 17
Author: JAMIESON (John 1den)
DEPOSrrORY JAMIESON (John 1den). Books for the army: the Ariay Library Service in the Second World War. [With a bibijo— graphy.J pp. xiv. + 335. Tables. 0 8 . New Ygr, 1950.
Card ID: 18
Author: WILLIS (John Jamieson)
WILLIS (John Jamieson), Bjsho,p ot Uganda. The Kikuyu conference: a study in christian unity...Together with the proposed cherne of federation embodied in the resolutions of conference. pp. 24. B0. London, 191.
Card ID: 76
WILLIS (John Jamieson), Bishop o Uganda. See PEEL (w.G.), Bishop of Motnbasa anc WILLIS(J.J.), Bishop o1 Uganca. Steps towards reunion: a statement for the Consultative Corrnittee. London, 1914.
Card ID: 79