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JAMES Sir William Milburne a:it william|k:it (william) (3)
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JAMES, Sir William Milburne
IS, Euphemia Chalnrs
Author: JAMES (Sir William Milburne)
JAMES (Sir William Milburne), G.CB. Blue water and green fields...Illustrated by J.Mat,thew. Foreword by the Lord Mottistone. pp. xii. + 254. 8. London, 1939. mainly on the British Navy and naval hitory, including The I?ortance of studying naval history a uiian Corbett Lectures delivered at. the IJniverit.r of London on 8th November, 1938. j
Card ID: 464
Author: IS (Euphemia Chalnrs)
L9e )41L Jam MILLfIS (Euphemia Chalnrs), IMy. See JAMES (Sir William Milburne), G .C .B. The Order of release: the story of John Ruskin, EfTie Gray and John Everett Millais, told for the first tlme In their unpublished letters. Edited by Sir W.James. 80. London, l9i7.
Card ID: 281
Author: RUSKIN (John)
L9e MIL Jam RUSKIN (John). [Appendix.) See JAMES (Sir William Milburne), G.C.B. The Order of release: the story of John Ruskin, Effie Gray and John Everett Millais, told for the first tine in their unpublished letters. Edited by Sir W.James. 80 • London, 19b7.
Card ID: 131