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JAMES George a:an james|k:0847 (64)



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    Author: JAMES (George)


    JAMES (George). The Bacon-Shakespeare controversy. [Continued.] 7. Francis Bacon and St.Albans, and New light on Dr.Caius and the Merry Wives of Windsor. 1901. 8. Francis Bacon the statesman, and The prinar causes of the alienation of the plys. 1903. [Another cooy of No.?.] [D.—I,.I,.] [Another copy of No.?.] [D.—L.L.J [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 164

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    Author: JAMES (George)


    /(fI)S —Aj•d — JAMES (George). Prancis acon the atLthor of Shakespeare. pp. vj.+(2)+ 105. [D.—L.L.j 8? Birmingham, 1893. I3, Q t.oii [Another copy. 3 I 7Lr! ()

    Card ID: 166

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    Author: JAMES (Norman George)


    BRETT—JAMES (Norman George). JAMES (Norman George Brett—).

    Card ID: 130

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    Author: EDWARDS (James George)


    PlTQ’ EDWARDS (James George). Progress of religious thought in the XVIII and XIX centuries. pp. (8) + 332. 8°. ainxj: printed for private circulation, l9OLi..

    Card ID: 360

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    Author: NAGE (George James)


    Yp T4a Fir F?NAGE (George James). A Garland for Dylan Thomas: (a gathering of poems by 78 poets, written in tribute to Thomas over the past ten years). Gathered and with a preface by G.J.Firmage. Advisory editor, O.Willisms. [With Thomas’s ‘Notes on the art of poetry’.] pp. 171. Portraits, plates and facsimile. 8 New York 1965.

    Card ID: 125

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    Author: FIRMRG (George James)


    33 Y,1lP C93C 973 Beference Cupboard FIRMRG (George James). see CU2’24INGS (Edward Estlin). E.E. Cunmixgs: poems, 1905-2962. An authorized typewriter edition of 77o collected, k5 uncollected end 2o unpublished poems. Recreated from the poet’s nnuscripta with biblioaphIcal and textual notes by George James Firmage. London, 1973.

    Card ID: 126

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    Author: FIRMAGE (George James)


    folio 33 YTP c93G FIRMAGE (George James). (Edward Estlin). No thanks. Edited, with an afterword, by George James Firmage. Introduction by Richard S. Kennedy, New York, 1978.

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: FIRMAGE (George James)


    folio 33 ?I? C93G FIRMAGE (George James). See Q.JMMINGS (Edward Estlin). Tu.lips & chiimeys.. .The original 1922 nBnuscripts with te 3Li. additional poems from “&“. Edited, wIth an afterword, by George James Firmage. Introduction by Richard S. Kennedy. New York, 1976.

    Card ID: 128

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    Author: FRAZER (Sir James George)


    • PNS Fra - FRAZER (Sir James George). Folk-lore in the Old Testament: studies in con2oarative religion, legend and law. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1918. [Another copy.) 1+ PU Abridged edition. pp. xoc. + 476. f’ iN\S 8°. London, 1923.

    Card ID: 65

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    Author: PRAZER (James George)


    ?Gc PRAZER (James George). The Golden bough, . [Continued.] 8Bibiiography and general index. (1915.) Part L is of the second edition. (Another copy of part Li.] 1IL. —[A reprint.] 8 parts in 12 vols. Frontispiece. 8. london, 1923—27. 291. 1kz. c&.. —[A reprint.) 8 parts in 12 vols. ‘rontispiece. 8°. london, 1932—36. CSEE NEXT CARD)

    Card ID: 67

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    Author: FRAZER (Sir James George)


    FRAZER (Sir James George). The Golden bough: a study in nagic and religion. Third edition. Sparts..ih 11 ‘ol. Frontispiece. 8. London, 1907—30. J 1. The Magic art and the evolution of kings. 2 vols. 1911. 2. Taboo and the perils of the soul. 1911. 3. The Dying god. 1930. / 4. Adonis, Attis, Oeiris: et.idiee in the history of oriental religion, ‘907. 5. Spirits of the corn and of the wild. 2 vole. 1912. 6. The Scapegoat. 1913. 7. Balder the Be-”4-”‘tc. 2 vols. 1913. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 68

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    Author: FRAZER (Sir James George)


    1% FRAZER (Sir James George). The Golden bough, etc. Icontinued.] — Aftermath: a supplement to the Golden bough. pp. xx. ÷ 494. 8°. London, 1936. (Another copy.) M.5iL1-q [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 69